Saturday, April 04, 2009

When i was younger, i heard that there was a reading telling that of my fortune/future. The person said that i'll get married at the age of 24. As a child, i could see myself married at that age, and i didn't mind at all. You could even say i was proud.

Now, at age 27, at this very moment, i realized that i can't even see the next 50 years of my life. All i can see is a blank. hahaha :) i wonder if i will even get that 50 years more of life, and living each moment fully and courageously. :) But thinking of it, who knows of our future? :) I would love to see and fulfill my dreams in the future. But all i can see clearly was the past, and how everything came so fast. Almost 27 years.... but there is still more. We just don't know how the future will unfold. Oh well. talking about that with my co-worker, we just laughed. :) and i guess that's the best way to deal with it - to just laugh, be happy and just let it be, free to unfold in its own way, in its own time, at the right time. :) for now, the present's what we have to make the most of. and I am glad to be happy, content and at peace most of the time. Still dreaming, wishing, praying of a future lived fully. :)

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